Signature (Cafe Creme) Cigars, short narrow miniature cigars which are famous in the UK for their refined constant quality and low price. Signature Cigars, come in all shapes and sizes, from packs of 10 in the mild blue, to finos, express, filter and more. Here at Cheapasmokes we have a large selection of Signature Cigars, always at our lowest price and with some of the lowest P&P in the UK, so you can always be assured of the best deal.
Signature Original, a best seller! A fine machine made cigar, aromatic, mellow and lasting around the 10 minute mark. Signature Blue, a little smoother, aromatic to the last inhale, and also lasting around 10 minutes for a smooth smoking experience. Signature Red, formerly known as Signature Aromatic have an added aromatic flavour, with a filter to enhance the enjoyment. And finally, the Signature Finos which used to be known as Express, and as the name suggest a fine cigar in size. Perfect if you're looking for a smooth cigar on your work break, as they only take several minutes to enjoy.