A collection of the finest tubed Charatan Nicaraguan Cigars. Premium quality.
Charatan is a superb quality cigar blended for the UK consumer. Consistently a best seller in the New World Cigar ranges here at Cheapasmokes.
Flavour: Medium to Mild.
Filler: Seco Ligero and Volado filler leaves
Wrapper: Shade grown Java wrapper
All Charatan Cigars are avaiable with next day delivery, choose either Tracked 24 or Special Delivery for the guaranteed service.
About Charatan Cigars: History
Charatan is a renowned name in the world of cigars, known for producing high-quality and premium cigars. The brand has a rich history that dates back to the early 20th century. Here are some key points about Charatan Cigars:
- Origins: Charatan Cigars was established in 1863 by Frederick Charatan in London, England. The brand quickly gained a reputation for crafting exceptional cigars, attracting a distinguished clientele.
- Handcrafted Excellence: Charatan is known for its commitment to traditional craftsmanship. The cigars are typically handcrafted by skilled artisans using carefully selected tobacco leaves.
- Tobacco Blends: Charatan cigars are often made with a blend of different tobacco varieties to achieve a balanced and complex flavor profile. The company has produced cigars using tobacco from various regions, including Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras.
- Brand Evolution: Over the years, Charatan has changed ownership multiple times, and the production of its cigars has been managed by different companies. This has led to variations in the blends and styles of Charatan cigars over time.
- Reputation: Charatan has built a reputation for producing cigars that cater to the preferences of both seasoned aficionados and those new to the world of cigars. The brand has consistently focused on maintaining a high level of quality and craftsmanship.
- Cigar Lines: Charatan offers a range of cigar lines, each with its own unique characteristics. These may include different sizes, wrapper types, and flavor profiles to cater to a diverse audience.