A collection of Pipe Tobacco in 25gm pouches. If you are looking for Pipe Tobacco online in the UK, here at Cheapasmokes we stock a wide selection of choices.
We have the very popular pre-packed pipe tobaccos such as Clan, St Bruno, Erinmore and Special Virginia. We also have ones you may not have heard of, these being weigh out tobaccos from Gawith Hoggarth, blended in Kendal, UK.

From £4.00
Gawith Hoggarth Loose Tobacco

From £4.68
Kendal Dark Shag Smoking Tobacco #28

From £11.85
Clan Original 25gm Tobacco -

From £12.15
St Bruno Ready Rubbed 25gm

From £12.30
Capstan Ready Rubbed 25gm

From £12.00
Erinmore Mixture Ready Rubbed Pipe Tobacco 25gm