Red Bull Strong Snuff

Size: 1 Dispenser


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Red Bull Strong Snuff, is a classic strong menthol snuff brought to you by Poschl Tabak. Red Bull Strong Menthol Snuff is exactly that, strong. This snuff is blended with natural eucalyptus oils, to add even more kick but also offset the menthol strength. Cheapasmokes does not recommend Red Bull Snuff for the beginner due to its strong menthol kick which can be overpowering for the novice. As with any product, our review and description might not be how you feel, so please let us know by reviewing the product below to help other snuff users.

  • Genuine Red Bull Strong Snuff by Poschl Tabak
  • Course Ground Strong Menthol Snuff
  • Strong Menthol Strength
  • Premium Poschl Tabak Product

Strictly over 18's only.

You will be asked at the checkout to verify you are over the age of 18.

Cheapasmokes only sell genuine Red Bull Strong Snuff.

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