Montecristo is a name synonymous with the finest Cuban cigars, renowned globally as one of the most respected and appreciated brands of Havana's. Established in 1935 and inspired by Alexandre Dumas’ legendary novel The Count of Montecristo, this iconic brand has become the benchmark against which all other cigars are measured.
Montecristo’s No. 4 is the most popular hand-rolled cigar in the UK, offering a rich and tangy medium-to-full-bodied flavour that makes it the perfect introduction to the world of premium Cuban cigars. Crafted with meticulous care, the No. 4 features a perfectly balanced blend of filler and binder leaves exclusively sourced from the Vuelta Abajo region, home to the finest tobaccos on Earth.
With its 5 1/8" length and 42 ring gauge, the Montecristo No. 4 delivers a harmonious smoke, rich in complexity and depth. This cigar's enduring appeal lies in its consistently high quality and flavour profile, acting as a trusted companion for both seasoned aficionados and those just beginning their journey into Havana cigars. Many who try it once, return to it time and again for its unmatched consistency and elegance.
Whether you are exploring the classic Montecristo range or rediscovering an old favourite, the Montecristo No. 4 is a true standard-bearer of Cuban excellence.
Please note this item will come tubed and heat sealed to preserve its quality.
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