Hamlet Cigars - History
IQOS: How Does It Work?
Royal Dutch Cigars at Cheapasmokes
La Invicta Cigars Review
Looking for an honest review of La Invicta Cigars?
In recent years, the La Invicta range of cigars has slowly expanded in the UK, and are now starting to dominate the market, with excellent quality and low prices over the full range from miniatures to the larger Canons.
Cheapest IQOS Devices and Heets Online in the UK
Are you looking for the cheapest place to purchase Heets and IQOS devices online? Did you know Cheapasmokes is one if not the cheapest place online in the UK to purchase IQOS devices and Heets?
Buy Sterling Dual Cigarettes Online UK - Cheapasmokes
Are you looking for Sterling Dual Cigarettes? Did you know one of the UK's leading online tobacconists stocks this brand, and many more?
Did you know Sterling Dual are one of the UK's best selling cigarettes? Back before the Menthol ban, these used to be a menthol crushball cigarette, but now due to the ban they are not.
What Is A Good Alternative To Amber Leaf?
Did you know Gold Leaf tobacco is direct alternative to Amber Leaf?
A smooth blend similar to that of Amber Leaf, coming in a 30gm and 50gm pouch and now a 100gm tub which gives the customer an added saving. Both of these products are great quality for hand rolling your own cigarettes but can also be used for tubing your own, if you have the skill to do so.
Ban on sweet vapes and e-cigarettes proposed to avert 'disaster in the making'
Certain vapes may be banned in Scotland to "protect the health of children and young people”.
The Scottish Greens are set to propose plans to ban sweet-tasting vapes in the new year, with campaigners warning it is a “ticking time bomb” for young people's health.
A Good Amber Leaf Alternative - Cheapasmokes
Are you looking for an amber leaf alternative?
Did you know Gold Leaf is the main competitor to Amber Leaf? There are many rivals, but can they live up to the same quality? Gold Leaf can, we are pretty confident you will be as happy with Gold Leaf as you are with Amber Leaf, and with a price difference as of 18/01/23 of £5.05, it sure is worth trying to save such a large amount of money.
Where Can I Buy Cigarettes Online UK?
Are you looking where to buy cigarettes online in the UK?
Did you know Cheapasmokes are a leading online retailer of cigarettes? With some of the cheapest in the UK? From leading brands such as Benson and Hedges Blue, Lambert and Butler, JPS Players, Embassy, Regal and many more.
Buy Marlboro Gold Cigarettes Online In The UK
Are you looking to Buy Marlboro Gold Cigarettes Online in the UK?
Did you know are one of the UK's leading online tobacconists? Not only this, but we are one if not the cheapest place online to buy Marlboro cigarettes!
The Cheapest Hand Rolling Tobacco In The UK
Are you looking for the cheapest hand rolling tobacco in the UK?
Did you know sell an extensive range of hand rolling tobaccos?
From leading UK brands such as Amber Leaf, Golden Virginia, Old Holborn and relatively new to the UK market, JPS Players and Benson and Hedges Blue. Not only this, but we also sell a large range of weigh out loose hand rolling and smoking tobaccos, perfect for tubing and rolling!